We are a Roofbreaker Church!
What is a Roofbreaker?
The term ‘Roofbreaker’ comes from the account in Luke 5 where the paralysed man comes to Jesus.
Roofbreakers (or disability champion as some prefer) are individuals (or teams) in churches or ministries who listen to disabled people and work together with them, to enable full inclusion in Christian life.
Roofbreakers and their churches are on a journey from Access to Belonging to Commission (Matthew 28:19), to equip disabled people to fully participate in the kingdom of God and use their gifts for God’s glory.
At GMC we have disabled access, toilets and parking. We have a range of sensory resources for both adults and children. Please do let us know if you have any requirements and we will strive to meet them, to ensure that church is accessible for you.
Our Accessibility champion is Rhiannon Pettinger.
Our Sensory Space
We have a Sensory Space for all ages situated in our Prayer Room. Some people benefit hugely from calm spaces whilst they navigate church, especially when its busy on a Sunday. This is a safe space for anyone who feels they need some sanctuary, so we invite you to be blessed as you pray and spend time with God here.