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Greenhill Methodist Church has a vision to serve our local community. 

Our building and facilities need to be upgraded to serve the needs of this community and the generations to come.  

We have exciting plans that are already underway to build onto our current building and to modernise our facilities. We want to offer a safe and welcoming space for all those who currently use the building and also to fulfil our aspirations to develop our community work.

We have a intricate four phase plan, currently we're well into our fundraising and preparatory works. 

Phase 1

This initial part almost complete and paid for! This is the planning and all the pre-build work before going out to tender.

Phase 2

This our current focus; the heart of the project and the new entrance to the building. It will connect the large hall with the church and create 25% more activity space. There will be an area where refreshments are served and a children's play area.  There will be an open plan feel with a partition wall connecting to the large hall. We can host more events for more people with easy access to the rest of the building.  

There will be vast improvements and updates to current facilities and pram/disabled access to the building. 

Phases 3 and 4

Phase 3 includes the redevelopment and improvement of the main hall, including a new extension, improved access to the Community Quiet Garden and a stimulating, educational and safe outdoor play area. Phase 4 includes provision of a new meeting room and centrally located kitchen to develop food centred activities.

Will you catch the vision and invest in our community outreach now and for generations to come?

The following feedback has been received from the Methodist Church and from our local Member of Parliament:

‘The (Circuit’s) Mission Vision Team has been impressed by the level of thinking and commitment behind the scheme.’ 

                       Sheffield Circuit Mission Vision Team’s recommendation to the Circuit meeting

'This project reflects the commitment of a church to transform its premises in order to meet the needs of people they come into contact as a result of their considerable outreach work. The District Mission Policy states that we will encourage, enable and, where appropriate, resource Circuits and churches to be bold in reviewing their work, purpose and culture, so in supporting this project we seek to live out that aspect of the Mission Policy’. 

                                                                                            The Sheffield District Leadership Team

‘I write to offer encouragement to you and to members of Greenhill Methodist Church as you continue to engage with the 2020 Vision and make significant changes to your premises. As you are already aware the project has received the support of the District by way of a grant of £80,000.  The District is pleased to be able to offer that support, not least because it recognises the significance of the mission you are currently fulfilling in your community and the vision that you have for growing that work into the future.  You will be aware that our District Mission Policy encourages learning, changing and joining in and it is greatly encouraging to see your church community engaging with those concepts – learning from your community and your current context, changing your buildings and your activities in order to be fit for purpose in the 21st century and joining in with other community groups in order to meet the wider needs of those around you. We commend you for the fundraising you have already undertaken and for the tremendous effort being put in by many people in the church and community and we pray that your own efforts will be recognised and matched by other funding bodies. As you continue to move forward with this ambitious and exciting project, please be assured of the ongoing prayers and support of District officers and may you also know God’s blessing upon you all as you seek to follow his guidance and share in his mission’.

                                                                                      Gill Newton, Chair of the Sheffield District

‘The Church is a central part of its community, providing activities for all ages and engaging with the community as much as the current building and facilities allow. Located adjacent to areas with high levels of deprivation, I understand that the Church is seeking to expand its role in providing space for the local community and to support residents. As such the Church hope to modernise the building and make it more accessible. The improvements will mean a larger meeting space, to encourage use of the building by the community, including children, the elderly and the isolated. I wholeheartedly support the church in providing such facilities for the benefit of the local community and would be grateful if you could ensure that all consideration is given to their application for grant funding’

                                                                         Extract of a letter received from Louise Haigh MP

‘I am pleased to inform you that decision (of Connexional Grants Committee) was to award you a grant to this project, to the value of £100,000.  The assessors recognised that this phase is the heart of the overall project and the proposed development will have positive missional impact on a vibrant and busy church. We hope that this offer will come as an encouragement to you and that the proposed work will be able to proceed as planned’.

                                                                                             Val Lovett, Connexional Grants Officer

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