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There's a place for you here!

We are here to know God’s love and to go and share it with others! 

Join us on Sundays at 10:30am with refreshments afterwards :)

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Safeguarding is very important to Greenhill Methodist Church, we want our community and premises to be a safe place for everyone. 

If you have any matters or concerns that you wish to discuss please contact one of

our safeguarding officers:

Sue Stew, Andy McKibbin or our minister Rev Jonathan Haigh by clicking here.

Church Calendar

Who are we?

For over 200 years we have been serving the community of Greenhill and Lowedges on the southern edge of Sheffield, UK.

We believe that God's love for his children is amazing and so we want to tell others about that love and show His love in action. No matter what you look like or what your history is, you are welcome here.


We are a large and lively community, there is lots going on during the week, from toddler groups to bible study to youth work. We love our local community and love to serve them through our activities and services. We are passionate about prayer, worship and growing as followers of Jesus.

We care for the environment and through our Environmental Working Group we seek to make decisions to look after the planet. 

We are a Roofbreaker Church which means we have been certified as disability inclusive, see more on our Accessibility page under the About tab.

Come and meet us and stay for a cuppa!

Methodist Web Links

Sheffield Methodist Circuit 


Sheffield Methodist District


The Methodist Church in Britain

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